Implementing a NRW demand loss reduction

Each domestic water demand in the Botswana national water resources model is calculated as a product of the:

  • "Gaborone DC baseline": Baseline water demand in 2020

  • "domestic_scn factor": A future uplift factor quantified by an increase in the population and Per Capita Consumption

  • "Gaborone DC NRW factor": Non-revenue water factor

  • "Gaborone&Bokaa saving factor": Demand reductions resulting from water use restrictions imposed due to low reservoir levels (usually no demand reductions are implemented and this value is 1.0)

To model a scenario where NRW demand is reduced:

  1. Clone the Baseline scenario and name the new scenario 'NRW 20%'.

  1. Click on the Parameters tab

  1. Search for the word NRW

Change the Gaborone DC NRW factor to 1.25 as follows:

	"type": "ConstantParameter",
	"value": 1.25

Do this for the Mochudi DC NRW and Romotswa DC NRW parameters.

  1. Run this scenario and compare the simulated_volume in the Gaborone reservoir in this scnearoi and the Baseline and Chobe scenarios.

The NRW scenario is Green while the Chobe scenario is orange and the Baseline scenario is blue. The NRW20% scenario results in the Gaborone reservoir having slightly more storage than the baseline scenario. However in general the reservoir has less storage than under the Chobe scenario.

Click on the Gaborone DC node and view its simulated_flow. Gaborone still experiences frequent deficits even when NRW is reduced to 20% under this demand scenario.

Last updated