Baseline system performance

How does the current system perform under a possible future hydrological scenario and under a 350% increase in demand from 2020?

The Baseline scenario includes only existing supply infrastructure. It is able to be run under different possible 2080 climate change hydrology and demand scenarios. A moderately dry climate change hydrological scenario is active by default as well as demand scenario which considers a 350% increase in demand compared to the year 2020 resulting from population growth and per capita consumption.

  1. To view how the current system performs under this scenario run the Baseline scenario

  1. System performance can be visualised by examining the deficit in demand nodes and reservoir storage over time.

Click on the Gaborone Demand Centre (DC) output node and view its simulated_flow.

In this scenario, Gaborone's demand is 0.4312 Mm3/day. We can see that usually the full demand is not supplied.

Click on the Gaborone Reservoir node and view its simulated_volume.

The capacity of the reservoir is 141 Mm3. The reservoir starts to empty from its starting storage of 154 Mm3. A short wet period in 2040 brings the volume up slightly but the reservoirs empties a few years later.

Click on the Bokaa Reservoir node and view its simulated_volume.

Bokaa reservoir draws dow in the majority of years.

The current system is not able to meet the modelled demands under this climate change scenario.

Last updated