
An overview of Pywr recorders supported by WaterStrategy

This page describes the process of creating a new Recorder in WaterStrategy and a selection of the most commonly used Pywrrecorder types, and most commonly used attributes. The full list of built-in recorders and their exhaustive list of attributes are here.

1. Creating a Recorder in WaterStrategy

In a Network page, click the 'Recorders' Tab:

Next to the 'Recorders-Type Categories' Text, click the '+' button and select 'PYWR_RECORDER':

Enter the name of your recorder. This can be anything you like, but must be unique within the network.

Populate the recorder in the JSON editor:

2. Recorder editors in WaterStrategy

Currently, there are two different ways to input a Recorder in WaterStrategy. ....

3. NumpyArrayNodeRecorder

Recorder for timeseries information from a Node. API Reference

This class stores flow from a specific node for each time-step of a simulation. The results of a recorder are output on the Network Attributes panel, and will be named 'simulated_<recordername>'

3.1. Attributes

3.2. Example

	"type": "NumpyArrayNodeRecorder",
	"node": "Reservoir 1",
	"temporal_agg_func": "mean",
	"agg_func": "mean"

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