Loss Link Node

General description

A loss link allows for the definition of a fixed proportional loss of flow that goes through this node. Loss links are often used to represent potable water treatment works which incur some process losses.

The Max and Min flow attributes that are defined are applied to the net output after losses.

The node itself records the net output in its flow attribute (which would be used by any attached recorders).

Primary Attributes


Allocation Penalty

The cost per unit flow via the node


Loss factor

loss_factor : float or Parameter. The proportion of flow that is lost through this node. Must be greater than or equal to zero. This value is either a proportion of gross or net flow depending on the value of loss_factor_type.

Optional, defaults to 0

Loss Factor Type

Either "gross" or "net" (default) to specify whether the loss factor is applied as a proportion of gross or net flow respectively.

Optional, defaults to "net"

Max Flow

The maximum flow constraint on the node


Min Flow

The minimum flow constraint on the node



In this example 10% of the gross amount of water flowing into the node is lost.

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