Adding Control Rules to Maguga Dam
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To manage the operation of Maguga Dam, we will add a control curve using five distinct zones. These zones will help define how water is allocated and managed within the dam based on storage levels.
We will use monthly profiles to define the control curves. These profiles will be combined and applied using the ControlCurveInterpolatedParameter. This parameter allows for the interpolation of the control curves across different zones throughout the year, adjusting the dam's operation to seasonal variations and storage needs
Note: Before proceeding, clone the previous WaterStrategy scenario so you can compare the modifications applied during this step with the original configuration. This will allow you to assess the impact of changes made.
Go to node Maguga Dam_CCN and click on Edit Max Flow
In Options tab, select PYWR_PARAMETER
Paste the following JSON configuration and Save
To set up the five control curves, navigate to the Parameter section and create a new PYWR_PARAMETER. This parameter will be used to define the control curves, applying a monthlyProfile for each of the five zones. Each control curve will follow its own monthly profile, ensuring that the dam operates according to seasonal water availability and demand. The profiles for each control curve are detailed below, and should be configured accordingly within the ControlCurveInterpolatedParameter setup.
Maguga Dam Release:Flood Control:
Maguga Dam Release:Conservation:
Maguga Dam Release:Zone B:
Maguga Dam Release:Zone C:
Maguga Dam Release:Zone D: